
Written Testimony to the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs - PEPFAR: From Emergency to Sustainability and Advances Against HIV/AIDS

None | 29 Sep 2023 | Michael W. Miller

In many respects, turning now to HSS is a logical, evolutionary shift: AIDS and malaria hardly exist in isolation, nor do they have a monopoly on death and suffering. Moreover, it can be practically and ethically difficult to run well-funded programs for two diseases simultaneously with acutely underfunded programs for others.

Sector-Wide Approaches fail to improve health

None | 30 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

The World Bank and its partners are failing to improve health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa using Sector-Wide Approaches (SWAPs), according to a report by Advocacy to Control TB Internationally (ACTION).

Letter to Andrew Gwynne MP, sponsor of the Private Member's Bill: Debt Relief (Developing Countries)

None | 25 Feb 2024 | Free Market Foundation

We write to you as a group of experts dedicated to alleviating poverty. We share your noble
goal of freeing millions of impoverished people from the weight of stifling debt and
improving their living standards. You deserve great credit for seeking solutions to these
hugely important issues.

Drug procurement, the Global Fund and misguided competition policies

Richard Tren , Kimberly Hess & Roger Bate | 22 Dec 2023 | Malaria Journal

In an effort to increase competition and decrease price, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria recently began asking some grant recipients to use international competitive bidding processes for certain drug purchases.

Opinion: Misguided policies keep life-saving drugs out of reach

Richard Tren & James Taylor | 17 Dec 2023 | GlobalPost

Malaria is a preventable and curable disease that kills nearly 1 million people, mostly children, every year. This disease continues to kill in large part because so many poor people living in Africa lack access to safe, effective and affordable medicines.

'Don't put the south on the road to permanent poverty'

Richard Tren & Franklin Cudjoe | 05 Dec 2023 | Bangkok Post

As diplomats and delegates from the around the world gather in Copenhagen this month for a global climate change summit, a major rift is developing between rich and poor countries. The question is whether or not developing nations should be permitted to harness their natural resources to lift their people out of poverty.

East Africa: Battleground on Counterfeit Drugs

Roger Bate | 23 Jun 2023 | The New Ledger

Kenya recently adopted an anti-counterfeit law, and now its neighbor Uganda is contemplating adopting similar legislation. The drive to combat counterfeit drugs is a good one, and East African nations definitely needed to initiate legislation, since counterfeit products probably harm thousands in the region.

The Global Fund

None | 23 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

A five-year evaluation of the Global Fund was recently published. According to CGD's April Harding, they were given an "A - for "raising it"; a B - for "spending it"; and, a D minus, for "proving it"." Performance to determine continued funding is based on process indicators and outputs rather than on outcomes and impact, for example measuring the number of insecticide-treated nets distributed but not the number of children sleeping under them.

AFM Bulletin #4: DDT, Malaria Control and Anti-Chemicals Advocacy: A Response to the 'Pine River Statement'

None | 09 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

In May 2009, Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) published The Pine River Statement: Human Health Consequences of DDT Use. AFM believes that robust, evidence-based discussion and debate over the role of DDT and other man-made chemicals in malaria control is helpful, especially if such debate could help focus attention on the long-term lack of investment in the search for legitimate replacement chemicals for DDT.

No Zion for Zimbabwe

Jasson Urbach | 04 Feb 2024 |

Zimbabwe's economic meltdown has caused a number of preventable and curable diseases to run rampant, claiming lives needlessly. Basic services have been neglected and precautionary measures to prevent the outbreak of diseases such as cholera and malaria have been abandoned.