
AFM's take on UN General Assembly malaria resolution

None | 21 Apr 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

In the run up to World Malaria Day on April 25, 2011, the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a malaria resolution. This long and encompassing resolution "Consolidating gains and accelerating efforts to control and eliminate malaria in developing countries, particularly in Africa, by 2015," sets the UN agenda against malaria.

Theft and Corruption at the Global Fund

Roger Bate | 06 Apr 2024 | The New Ledger

In a January Foreign Policy column I explained how most of the malaria medicines donated to Togo by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS TB and Malaria (GF), had gone missing, stolen by that government's own procurement agency staff.

AFM's points from GF OIG Progress Report

None | 11 Jan 2024 | Africa Fighting Malaria

The Global Fund's Office of the Inspector General recently issued a Progress Report. With regards to malaria funding, AFM has pulled out some of the most salient points.

Written Testimony to the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs - PEPFAR: From Emergency to Sustainability and Advances Against HIV/AIDS

None | 29 Sep 2023 | Michael W. Miller

In many respects, turning now to HSS is a logical, evolutionary shift: AIDS and malaria hardly exist in isolation, nor do they have a monopoly on death and suffering. Moreover, it can be practically and ethically difficult to run well-funded programs for two diseases simultaneously with acutely underfunded programs for others.

Sector-Wide Approaches fail to improve health

None | 30 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

The World Bank and its partners are failing to improve health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa using Sector-Wide Approaches (SWAPs), according to a report by Advocacy to Control TB Internationally (ACTION).

The Global Fund

None | 23 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

A five-year evaluation of the Global Fund was recently published. According to CGD's April Harding, they were given an "A - for "raising it"; a B - for "spending it"; and, a D minus, for "proving it"." Performance to determine continued funding is based on process indicators and outputs rather than on outcomes and impact, for example measuring the number of insecticide-treated nets distributed but not the number of children sleeping under them.

AFM Bulletin #4: DDT, Malaria Control and Anti-Chemicals Advocacy: A Response to the 'Pine River Statement'

None | 09 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

In May 2009, Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) published The Pine River Statement: Human Health Consequences of DDT Use. AFM believes that robust, evidence-based discussion and debate over the role of DDT and other man-made chemicals in malaria control is helpful, especially if such debate could help focus attention on the long-term lack of investment in the search for legitimate replacement chemicals for DDT.

Killing With Kindness

Jasson Urbach & Julian Harris | 27 Sep 2023 |

The UN convened this week in New York to discuss its Millennium Development Goals and the aim of "ending poverty by 2015." Delegates and a rock star boasted of billions of dollars transferred to African governments, while failed schemes prompted activists to call for even more money. Donors re-branded the failed Roll Back Malaria scheme and promised US$3 billion.

Foolishness & Foreign Aid

Richard Tren & Philip Coticelli | 25 Apr 2023 | New York Post

Today is World Malaria Day; all three presidential candidates will likely mark the occasion with fresh promises on foreign aid, malaria and poverty. Problem is, the "solutions" will mostly boil down to spending more money with less oversight - ignoring a vital difference between the UN's sorry record and recent US experience.

Canucks Against Malaria

Richard Tren | 18 Dec 2023 |

While in Tanzania recently, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a bold new foreign aid program called "The Initiative to Save a Million Lives." He also promised that the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) would double its assistance to Africa by 2008-09. In all likelihood, a good portion of the money will be allocated to fight malaria, the number one killer of African children. Unfortunately, the CIDA's track record on malaria is patchy at best, and it has much to learn from America.