
India's invisible malaria burden

Simon I Hay, Peter W Gething & Robert W Snow | 19 Nov 2023 | The Lancet

Measurement of malaria mortality is a public health challenge that has been met with various solutions. Outside Africa, these estimates usually rely on governmental recorded deaths, which have been adjusted in various ways to account for incomplete reporting.

Study: Malaria bigger killer in India than known

Maria Cheng | 20 Oct 2023 | Associated Press

The number of people dying from malaria in India may be more than 10 times higher than World Health Organization figures suggest, a new study says. But WHO has disputed the findings.

Celebs, big donors push Africa's war on malaria

Donna Bryson & Lewis Mwanangombe | 17 Oct 2023 | Associated Press

"We've done a disservice by saying it's simple," she said. "It's very important that people understand it's not just `$10 saves a life.' It's not just a one-off. It has to be a continuous process."

Reinventing the Wheel

William Easterly | 14 Oct 2023 | Foreign Policy

When I worked at the World Bank, management was always checking up on us to make sure our research was relevant for real-world economic development. The standard test question was, "What would your research suggest the finance minister of country X should do?"

Desmond Tutu Lauds Anglogold's Investments in Malaria Eradication

Stephen Odoi-Larbi | 27 Sep 2023 | The Ghanaian Chronicle

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has lauded AngloGold Ashanti for its contribution in the eradication of malaria in the country.

Guest post: only trade-fuelled growth can help the world's poor

William Easterly | 21 Sep 2023 | Financial Times

The Millennium Development Goals tragically misused the world's goodwill to support failed official aid approaches to global poverty and gave virtually no support to proven approaches.

China 'exploits loophole' to beat African countries to World Bank aid money

Malcolm Moore | 05 Aug 2023 | Daily Telegraph (UK)

China is depriving poor countries of badly-needed cash to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis by exploiting a loophole to drain a World Bank fund, a former official has complained.

Can Malaria Be Beaten?

Jeremy Laurance | 05 Aug 2023 | The Independent

When I see a packet of malaria pills I think of that famous Clint Eastwood line from Dirty Harry, delivered as he pointed his .44 magnum at a bank robber and neither of them could remember how many shots he had fired, or whether there was still one left in the chamber.

Stop Taxing the Fight Against Malaria

Yoweri Museveni & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete | 26 Jul 2023 | Wall Street Journal Europe

This month Uganda has the honor of hosting the annual meeting of the African Union, which brings together more than 40 heads of state to discuss issues of critical importance to our continent. More than ever before, Africa needs strategic leadership, vision and courage to address the challenges we face.

China's Billion-Dollar Aid Appetite

Jack C. Chow | 19 Jul 2023 | Foreign Policy

Back in 2001, I was the lead U.S. negotiator in international talks meant to transform the way that poor countries fight some of the world's most pernicious diseases — HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.