
Reduced susceptibility to selected synthetic pyrethroids in urban malaria vector Anopheles stephensi: a case study in Mangalore city, South India

Satyanarayan Tiwari et al | 23 Jun 2023 | Malaria Journal

Synthetic pyrethroids are potent insecticides most commonly used in the vector control programme. These are applied for indoor residual sprays, space sprays and in impregnated bed nets.

Community-wide benefits of targeted indoor residual spray for malaria control in the Western Kenya Highland

Guofa Zhou et al | 03 Mar 2024 | Malaria Journal

IRS has been rekindled in recent years, as it is increasingly considered to be a key component of integrated malaria management.

Impact of Anti-DDT Campaigns on Malaria Control

Donald Roberts | 24 Feb 2024 | Outlooks on Pest Management

Public health insecticides have greatly improved human welfare. In the past century, insecticides were deployed strategically to control numerous human plagues, but successes in those endeavours brought new and unforeseen challenges.

Assessing the Impact of Indoor Residual Spraying on Malaria Morbidity Using a Sentinel Site Surveillance System in Western Uganda

Hasifa Bukirwa et al | 13 Oct 2023 | American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

A single round of indoor residual spraying (IRS) using lambda-cyhalothrin was implemented in a district of Uganda with moderate transmission intensity in 2007. Individual patient data were collected from one health facility within the district 8 months before and 16 months after IRS.

Combining Indoor Residual Spraying and Insecticide-Treated Net Interventions

Immo Kleinschmidt et al | 29 Sep 2023 | American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Does scaling up of malaria control by combining indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) enhance protection to populations?

Uganda's Mosquito-Spraying Effort Must Consider Resistance Issues

None | 20 Jun 2023 | The National Academies

The Ugandan government recently started spraying insecticides in homes and settlements to combat mosquitoes that spread malaria, the country's leading cause of death. A new report from a committee of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) says that as the spraying continues, the government needs to monitor mosquitoes for resistance to insecticides, and manage the spraying program in ways that minimize resistance. UNAS is a participant in the African Science Academy Development Initiative, a joint effort of several African academies and the U.S. National Academies to advance science-based policy advice in Africa.

Preventing malaria in endemic areas

Donald Roberts | 24 Oct 2023 | British Medical Journal

About 40% of the world's population, most of whom live in the poorest countries, are at risk from malaria. In Africa alone, malaria kills nearly a million children each year. Although we have the tools to fight malaria, such as insecticides for indoor residual spraying, environmentalist campaigns and some ill conceived decisions on public health policy have limited their use.

A New Classification System for the Actions of IRS Chemicals Traditionally Used For Malaria Control

Grieco et al. | 08 Aug 2023 | PLoS One

Authors of a study of public health insecticides in PLoS One propose a new classification scheme to characterize chemicals on the basis of spatial repellent, contact irritant and toxic actions.

Rolling Back a Malaria Epidemic in South Africa

Patrick E. Duffy & Theonest K. Mutabingwa | 04 Oct 2023 | PloS Medicine

A mid the dire statistics showing a deadly resurgence of malaria, a notable success has been scored in South Africa.

DDT and neurodevelopment: results inconclusive to effect policy change

Ameena E Goga | 07 Aug 2023 | Pediatrics

This letter begins a peer-reviewed discussion about the shortcomings of an article published by Eskenazi et al on the effects of DDT on childhood neurodevelopment.