Press Releases

WHO releases new malaria guidelines for treatment and procurement of medicines

09 Mar 2024 | World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) is releasing new guidelines for the treatment of malaria, and the first ever guidance on procuring safe and efficacious anti-malarial medicines.

Paltalk Partners with Leading Non Profit Organizations to Raise Funds to Fight Malaria

09 Sep 2023 | Paltalk

Paltalk, the leading real-time, video-based chat community with over four million active members, today announced they have teamed with AFM, and Hedge Funds vs. Malaria & Pneumonia, to raise funds to fight the spread of Malaria.

The March of Washingtons Distributes $30,000 for Antimalarial Drugs in Uganda

28 May 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

The March of Washingtons - the first broad-based campaign to increase access to high-quality antimalarial drugs in Africa has just made its first donation.

Bayer CropScience signs research agreement with IVCC

14 May 2023 | Bayer CropScience

Bayer CropScience and the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), Liverpool, UK have entered into a research agreement. The project, which will initially run for three years, aims to discover new active ingredients for Public Health Products (PHPs) that will be effective against mosquitoes which transmit diseases such as malaria that are resistant to conventional insecticides.

Amp'd Apparel Supports March of Washingtons

23 Apr 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

To mark World Malaria Day on April 25, Amp'd Apparel, leading LA-based urban and street wear designers, became the latest supporters of the March of Washingtons, the first broad-based effort to raise funds for essential malaria medicines.

USAID Provides Malaria Assistance To Zimbabwe

U.S. Agency for International Development | 07 Feb 2024 | Medical News Today

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) continues to provide assistance to the people of Zimbabwe, who are in the midst of an expanding humanitarian crisis. An ailing economy, food shortages and the cholera epidemic have left the people of Zimbabwe in danger of other health risks.

First ever antimalarial market survey in Uganda

06 Nov 2023 | Medicines for Malaria Venture

Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) today launched a report providing the largest-ever body of evidence supporting the need for urgent action to improve access to antimalarials. The report: "Understanding the Antimalarials Market: Uganda 2007" is based on data gathered by the Ministry of Health (MoH) Uganda and MMV a public private partnership for the development and delivery of low cost effective malaria treatments.

New EU Pesticide Regulations Will Increase Risk Of Malaria And Other Insect-Borne Diseases

Africa Fighting Malaria | 10 Oct 2023 | Medical News Today

Today 160 senior scientists from around the world release a petition against proposed EU pesticide regulations which they believe would shrink the global insecticide markets, leaving millions of people in poor countries at an increased risk of malaria and other insect-borne diseases.

WHO and World Bank Join Forces for Better Results from Global Health Investments

WHO & World Bank | 06 Aug 2023 | World Bank

As delegates gather at the International AIDS Conference (3-8 August), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank today address the pressing global debate around health systems and initiatives in specific aspects of health, nutrition and population. Critics claim that disease-specific initiatives are eroding already weak health systems, while others assert that weak health systems are holding back progress in disease-specific initiatives. In an effort to gather evidence and provide technical guidance in this area, WHO and the World Bank have agreed to join forces in collaboration with a wide range of interested stakeholders including country officials, academic and research institutions, Global Health Initiatives and civil society organizations.

Catholic Relief Services to Lead Malaria Fight in Benin

Catholic Relief Services | 27 Jun 2023 | Reuters

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) launched today the largest home-based malaria care campaign in the history of Benin. Thanks to a 15.5 million grant from The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, CRS, which leads a four-member consortium, will work with more than 1,400 community-based organizations that will educate families and provide basic malaria care for children with the parasite.