

Malaria is a preventable and curable disease. Various initiatives have been created in the past decade to focus private and public efforts on controlling malaria. These include but are not limited to:

Voices for a Malaria-Free Future (2006)
Innovative Vector Control Consortium (2005)
President’s Malaria Initiative (2005)
World Bank Booster Program (2005)
Gates Malaria Partnership (2000)
Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative (1999)
Medicines for Malaria Venture (1999)
Malaria Vaccine Initiative (1999)
Drive Against Malaria (1998)
Roll Back Malaria Partnership (1998)
Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (1997)

These initiatives all contribute to raising the profile of malaria across the world, but they have had varying degrees of success. You can read more about their progress below and throughout our Initiatives webpages. Please Contact Us with any initiatives you would like to appear on this page.

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