Capitol Hill Policy Briefing: Public Health Insecticides and Integrated Vector Control

18 Jun 2023
Africa Fighting Malaria
Co-sponsored by Africa Fighting Malaria, Malaria No More Policy Center, Friends of the Fight, and Syngenta, the panel discussion aimed at increasing understanding about integrated vector control and highlighting the successes and challenges that malaria control faces. The panel discussion focused on some policy considerations relating to the growing need for and use of safe and effective public health insecticides in malaria prevention programs, as well as for the control of other neglected diseases in the context of integrated vector management.

The event was attended by congressional staff, donor agency staff, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, specialists in malaria control and university researchers. The panel was moderated by Africa Fighting Malaria's Richard Tren, and speakers included representatives of the largest bi-lateral funder of malaria control programs - the US President's Malaria Initiative, as well as the non-profit advocacy and policy group Malaria No More Policy Center, and insecticide and vector control companies, Syngenta and Clarke Mosquito Control, a recipient of a Gates Foundation research grant. The briefing was hosted in conjunction with the Congressional Malaria Caucus and the organizers are thankful to Congressman Payne's staff for their assistance in setting it up.

Click here for a full report of the briefing.

Download Amb. Mark Green's Presentation here.

Download Prof. Donald Roberts' Presentation here.

Download Dr. Michael MacDonald's Presentation here.

Download Dr. Janis McFarland's Presentation here.

Download Mr. Kevin Magro's Presentation here.