Integrated Vector Control Panel Discussion - Capitol Hill

14 Jun 2023
Africa Fighting Malaria
Africa Fighting Malaria, Malaria No More Policy Center, Friends of the Global Fight, and Syngenta, in conjunction with the Congressional Malaria Caucus, invite you to a briefing to discuss:

Public Health Insecticides and Integrated Vector Control

Monday, June 14, 2023
12:30-2:00 pm
2255 Rayburn House Office Building, Capitol Hill

Vector control - or controlling disease-spreading mosquitoes - consumes a majority of malaria control budgets annually. Yet concepts of integrated vector control are not well understood and while there have been great successes in malaria control in recent years, great challenges in controlling disease-spreading insects now and in the future remain. The briefing will address policy considerations relating to the growing need for and use of safe and effective public health insecticides in malaria prevention programs, as well as for the control of other neglected diseases in the context of integrated vector control.

Panel Discussions Include:
"The Horizon Approaches: A Few Thoughts on the Promise of Technology in the Battle Against Malaria" - Amb. Mark Green, Malaria No More Policy Center
"An introduction to vector control and the use of insecticides to save lives" - Prof. Donald Roberts, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
"Creating and Sustaining Effective Integrated Vector Control Programs" - Dr. Michael MacDonald, US President's Malaria Initiative
"A Perspective of the Private Sector" - Dr. Janis McFarland, Syngenta
"Innovations in Vector Control" - Mr. Kevin Magro, Clarke

Richard Tren - Africa Fighting Malaria

For more information or to RSVP, please contact

Further information on vector control and public health insecticides is available here and here.