
Rwanda: Eradicate Malaria With Growth, Not Nets

Carlos Odora | 13 Dec 2023 | New Times (Kigali)

This month, the World Health Organization (WHO) will give four brands of Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated mosquito net its seal of approval, increasing the total to seven. This is good news. The market for these anti-malarial bed-nets is mainly foreign aid agencies which only buy WHO-approved nets, so more authorised products will increase competition, drive prices down a bit and should, in theory, make them more available to those in need. But aid donors' single-minded determination to give everyone nets is just not going to eradicate malaria.

Jumping Through WHOPES to Control Malaria

Richard Tren & Philip Coticelli | 25 Apr 2023 | TCS Daily

Many African countries are developing indoor residual spraying programs, some with DDT, a highly effective and safe insecticide proven to reduce the burden of malaria. Insecticide-treated mosquito net distribution, however, continues to dominate efforts. Our analysis shows that slow approvals for new net technologies have limited competition and wasted public funds for malaria control.

Malaria Initiative Progresses

Roger Bate | 14 Dec 2023 | Washington Times

Today the White House will host its first-ever summit on malaria. It will celebrate a major change in U.S. malaria control policy and should provide the president some much needed good publicity. It is too early to conclusively prove the efficacy of enacted policy changes. But there is no doubt the Global Health Bureau of the U.S. Agency for International Development, which is making the changes, is moving foreign assistance in the right direction.

Malaria Scores a Three-Pointer

Roger Bate | 17 Mar 2024 | TCS Daily

On Wednesday night at Madison Square Garden malaria became a high profile cause. Hip Hop founder Fab Five Freddy was on New York Knicks TV along with Lance Laifer, the founder of Dunk Malaria, to raise awareness of the disease. Around the Garden kids and adults alike were given the chance to dunk a mini-basketball in a mini-hoop, some donating cash as they went. And with the game going into double overtime everyone had plenty of time to dunk a ball.

US Senate Subcommittee Testimony

Roger Bate et al | 12 May 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

Various testimonies for a hearing of the US Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information and International Security.