Press Releases

Uganda: First vaccination for GMZ2 malaria vaccine trial

09 May 2023 | The Medical News

Recently, the EDCTP-funded GMZ2 consortium started a volunteer enrolment for the phase IIb clinical trial of the candidate malaria vaccine GMZ2 in Uganda. This is the third trial site to initiate volunteer recruitment for this multi-country study.

Bayer CropScience signs research agreement with IVCC

14 May 2023 | Bayer CropScience

Bayer CropScience and the Innovative Vector Control Consortium (IVCC), Liverpool, UK have entered into a research agreement. The project, which will initially run for three years, aims to discover new active ingredients for Public Health Products (PHPs) that will be effective against mosquitoes which transmit diseases such as malaria that are resistant to conventional insecticides.

DDT Highly Effective Against Resistant Mosquitoes

Africa Fighting Malaria | 09 Aug 2023 | Medical News Today

A study published by the Public Library of Science (PloS) One found that three out of five DDT-resistant Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, carriers of human diseases like dengue and urban yellow fever, avoided huts sprayed with DDT. The chemical's unique spatial repellent action, combined with its moderate irritant and toxic properties, reduced the risk of disease transmission by nearly three-quarters.

MissionMore than 4.3 million medicines tested thanks to calculation grids

08 Feb 2024 |

The second phase of the Wisdom experiment, carried out as an international cooperation project involving IN2P3 /CNRS, was completed on January 31.

Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases Inaugurates New Indonesian Research Initiative to Study Dengue fever, Tuberculosis and Malaria

CSRwire | 25 Jan 2024 | Social Funds

The Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD) announced today the opening of a new clinical research initiative in Indonesia that will further expand the capabilities of the Singapore-based institute to conduct research for tuberculosis, dengue fever and malaria, three of the world's most neglected diseases.