Southern Africa: Malaria High On Agenda As SADC Ministers Gather

Staff Writers | 13 Nov 2023
The Namibian (Windhoek)

A five-day annual Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) meeting of Ministers gets underway in Windhoek today.

The meeting is being held under the theme 'Scaling up Indoor Residual Spraying (IRHS) with Dichloro-Diphenyl Triethane DDT'.

In a media release yesterday, Namibia's Ministry of Health and Social Services said the meeting will culminate into SADC Malaria Day and the National Malaria Awareness Week.

Attending the gathering will be Ministers of Health from Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The meeting will also focus on an Implementation Plan of the SADC Protocol on Health, review the Progress Report on Major Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease, the SADC Pharmaceutical programme, Reports of International meetings and conferences.

SADC Malaria Day will be marked at the Eudafano Women's Centre at Ondangwa in the North on Friday.

Cross-border malaria initiatives between Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana will be launched at the occasion.