
   Comments, Suggestions, Complaints?

Next 15 Comments -- We currently have 42 comments.
Mosquito Nets - posted by Katherine Franks on 2023-05-24
HI, I work for a small NGO in Australia, with partenrs in Malawi and Zambia. WE have recently run a fundraiser for Mosquioto Nets, realizing the huge problem of malaria in these countries. I have a few quotes on insecticide treated nets, yet was wondering if you could recommend a place to purchase them from (we have nearly $20000). I have been told to get them from China, yet am concerned of the quality of paying before buying. I have heard they are in shortage in Malawi. Do you have any recommendations for this? We are working through our local partners and they have recommended PSI at 660 kwatcha net - do you know of anywhere else? We obviously want to get as many good quality nets for the money so we can save as many lives as possible. Also they have said that there are paid health workers who do training - do you kow where we can get our hands on any material to take with us to also do some training? I would appreciate your advice. Many thanks, Katherine Franks Overseas Projects Manager Every Home for Christ Ltd.
MALARIA - posted by julie Justice on 2023-05-22
I would like to use some of the satistics and info from the malaria flash presentation for a postition paper about the usefullness of DDT to fight malaria. Is it possible to get a hard copy of the flash report to use as a reference in my paper
Dear Dr Richard Tren, Could AFM send the following?: Urgent "e-telegram": To: All African MOH: Dear Ndugu Minister: Urgently require your checking out "DDT and malaria" (in e-google,altavista,yahoo), as a shock if you still havent fought for indoor DDT-s - posted by Pablo G Casanova H MD MSc on 2023-04-13
DDT AND MALARIA, DDT ET PALUDISME, DDT E MALARIA, DDT NA HOMA YA MBU, E-TELEGRAM-A, E- MVUA HARAKA, AFM AFRICA FIGHTING MALARIA PROPOSAL Sent to “Comments” April 12th, 2006 Dear Dr Richard Tren, Could AFM send the following?: Urgent "e-telegram": English: To: All African MOH: Dear Ndugu Minister: Urgently require your checking out "DDT and malaria" (in e-google,altavista,yahoo), as a shock if you still haven’t fought for indoor DDT-spraying, to immediately stop thousands children's deaths per year. Sincerely and best wishes, from Dr P. Casanova H (Mexico), Dr R. Tren (AFM) et al (access list) French: Pour tous les MDS. Telegrame-e urgent: Cher Ministre de la Santé, On besoin urgentement vous cherchez dans l' e-google, altavista, yahoo "DDT et paludisme / ou malaria"• comme surpris, si vous n' avais pas encore lutté pour l'utilization du DDT dans les maisons, por finir des milliards de morts par ann, immediatment. On vous remercie e desir le miuex, Fraternalment, (etc) Port. Para os MDS. Telegramma de urgéncia: Para sua Exceléncia o Sr. Ministro da Saúde: Solicitamos o máis pronto ao Senhor revisar: "DDT e paludismo/malaria" em e-google, altavista, yahoo, e outros médios electrónicos: será surprendido, si ainda nao ha começado a lutar pello uso do DDT ao interior do domicilio: objetivo, parar ja!, as miles de mortes anuais, Sincéramente, Os parabéns de (etc); Swahili: Ta Wyzir ya Afa wote. Wyzara ya Afya: Mze Ndugu Wyzyr, Haraka lázima utaona, katika e-google,altavista,yahoo, "malaria & DDT", kwasababu unaweza umekwisha malaria (homa ya mbu) cha watoto wengy sana sasa! Hapana watakufa kila mwaka, Tafadalini, na Asante Sana Mzuri takwa, (etc) Dr P. Casanova H (Mexico), Dr R. Tren (AFM) et al (access list)
Dear Dr Richard Tren, Could AFM send the following?: Urgent "e-telegram": To: All African MOH: Dear Ndugu Minister: Urgently require your checking out "DDT and malaria" (in e-google,altavista,yahoo), as a shock if you still havent fought for indoor DDT-s - posted by Pablo G Casanova H MD MSc on 2023-04-13
DDT AND MALARIA, DDT ET PALUDISME, DDT E MALARIA, DDT NA HOMA YA MBU, E-TELEGRAM-A, E- MVUA HARAKA, AFM AFRICA FIGHTING MALARIA PROPOSAL Sent to “Comments” April 12th, 2006 Dear Dr Richard Tren, Could AFM send the following?: Urgent "e-telegram": English: To: All African MOH: Dear Ndugu Minister: Urgently require your checking out "DDT and malaria" (in e-google,altavista,yahoo), as a shock if you still haven’t fought for indoor DDT-spraying, to immediately stop thousands children's deaths per year. Sincerely and best wishes, from Dr P. Casanova H (Mexico), Dr R. Tren (AFM) et al (access list) French: Pour tous les MDS. Telegrame-e urgent: Cher Ministre de la Santé, On besoin urgentement vous cherchez dans l' e-google, altavista, yahoo "DDT et paludisme / ou malaria"• comme surpris, si vous n' avais pas encore lutté pour l'utilization du DDT dans les maisons, por finir des milliards de morts par ann, immediatment. On vous remercie e desir le miuex, Fraternalment, (etc) Port. Para os MDS. Telegramma de urgéncia: Para sua Exceléncia o Sr. Ministro da Saúde: Solicitamos o máis pronto ao Senhor revisar: "DDT e paludismo/malaria" em e-google, altavista, yahoo, e outros médios electrónicos: será surprendido, si ainda nao ha começado a lutar pello uso do DDT ao interior do domicilio: objetivo, parar ja!, as miles de mortes anuais, Sincéramente, Os parabéns de (etc); Swahili: Ta Wyzir ya Afa wote. Wyzara ya Afya: Mze Ndugu Wyzyr, Haraka lázima utaona, katika e-google,altavista,yahoo, "malaria & DDT", kwasababu unaweza umekwisha malaria (homa ya mbu) cha watoto wengy sana sasa! Hapana watakufa kila mwaka, Tafadalini, na Asante Sana Mzuri takwa, (etc) Dr P. Casanova H (Mexico), Dr R. Tren (AFM) et al (access list)
- posted by on 2024-02-01
Yes.. I agree ..8
Insecticide treated nets and the spread of malaria - posted by rehema mbete on 2024-01-19
my question is that of regarding child mortality rate and malaria where by the children sleep under the ITNs so as to prevent malaria but at the end of the day they still get infected by malaria.could it be that some cultural,economic and environment be the cause of all this?or could it be that the NGOs and the Government did not involve the community in the preventive measures?please help me to know what is still leading to child mortality in relation to malaria
DDT - posted by Craig Stevenson on 2023-11-11
I have just read a Mail & Gaurdian artcile (09/11/05)that appears to be advocating the continued use of DDT as a malaria control measure. I believe the article grossly under reports on vast environmental and human health studies (many of which commissioned well after the 60s) that show DDT is a long lived problem we can do without. To advocate the use of DDT to save lives is highly misleading. The fact that malaria control saves thousands of lives cannot be used to offset decades' worth of bioaccumulated toxin and associated human health hazards. Furthermore, to compare DDT to coffee is also highly misleading. Suggest your researchers focus a little more on the available research to provide other readers with a balanced review. Thanks Craig
IRS - posted by Imets on 2023-08-24
1946-DDT used in IRS and in larviciding...what is IRS? i have seen a number of articles that use this acronym
Volunteers for Humanitarian Projects - posted by Golden Munyaka Ph.D. on 2023-07-22
We recruit volunteers for humanitarian projects worldwide. Letsdocharities helps young people develop their leadership skills by engaging in projects that improve the quality of life for marginalized members of our respective communities. Letsdocharities is based on celebrating human dignity and nurturing a culture of peace across political boundarities. Volunteers are expected to excel in their local communities before engaging on global humanitarian projects. To avoid self-selection bias letsdocharities gives local communities the right to expose volunteers who fail to foster basic human rights as defined by their respective legitimate social norms. Volunteers are also expected to register with local volunteer organizations particularly for college credit reporting purposes. Volunteers drive their own projects based on self-interests. Letsdocharities only serves as a platform for recruitment and sharing of experiences and information. Group Email Addresses Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: Golden Munyaka Ph.D. "At the end of life we will not judged by what we have accumulated but by how much we have loved and been loved" Mother Theresah
Mosquito bites - posted by Mrs J Cormack on 2023-07-07
Just to remind you that the best self-help for a mosquito bite is bicarbonate of soda in a little boiling water - make it just bearable with cold water and bathe the bites when they itch. Not a cure for Malaria but it will comfort the patient.
hello - posted by kola on 2023-07-06
please i want to know much about malaria infectin in nigeria.
Great Site - posted by Schlomo on 2023-06-27
I wish we could go back to the days of limited use of DDT in the homes. The extreme left has defamed so many useful products in the same of self-justification.
America's Fair Share? - posted by John Burgoyne on 2023-06-26
I'd like to see what formula you used to determine "America's Fair Share" of Africa's needs? As a tax paying American, I think our country is, no matter how you measure it, the most generous country on earth. Why should we lay out even more money? Can other countries step up and give more? Respectfully, John BUrgoyne
Stuff - posted by Amber on 2023-06-26
It's not just africa suffering from Malaria, it is most of the tropical countries aswell. No just the Africans need help. I'm not saying they don't but other places need help too!!!
Thank you - posted by Alison Geeves on 2023-06-24
Thank you, I found your website useful whilst researching methods of reducing Malaria. However, I disagree with the use of DDT for treatment, when we consider the problems and economic cost it caused countries like the UK, can we really put such a burden on a lesser economically sound places like Africa?

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