None | 02 Nov 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
On Thursday October 29th, AFM Director Richard Tren had an article published in South Africa's leading daily newspaper, Business Day, discussing new research from University of Pretoria scientists on DDT and human health.
Richard Tren | 29 Oct 2023 | Business Day (South Africa)
For years, fear and uncertainty, fuelled by politically driven and misleading information, undermined the fight against HIV/AIDS in SA. The result was the avoidable deaths of more than 300000 people. Now fear and uncertainty are being peddled again, this time against DDT use in malaria control.
None | 26 Oct 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
For six decades dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) has been used successfully in indoor residual spraying programs to control malaria. During the many decades that DDT has been in use, thousands of tonnes of the chemical have been produced and used throughout the world with millions of people coming into direct contact with it in one way or another.
None | 05 Oct 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
In May 2009, the March of Washingtons distributed $30,000 to Soft Power Health for the purchase and distribution of antimalarial drugs in Uganda. Click here to watch a video update from Uganda.
Roger Bate | 01 Oct 2023 |
The Indian government is touting a new survey showing a low percentage of drugs within the country are counterfeit. But the reality is that India still has a major problem with poor-quality drugs.
Roger Bate | 28 Sep 2023 | Wall Street Journal
Donating money to boost African access to essential drugs is a wonderful thing. But unless philanthropists insist on market principles in the continent's drug market, and until they apply necessary due diligence when cutting checks, their aid stands to be hijacked by governmental opportunism, incompetence and corruption.
None | 02 Sep 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
Many Africans lack access to essential medicines. There are myriad reasons for this: poverty, lack of awareness about the need for treatment, confusion over which drugs to take, technical and logistical challenges in procurement and distribution combined with a general lack of local healthcare staff and infrastructure, among other cultural and political factors.
Roger Bate | 02 Sep 2023 |
Africa's poor people lack access to essential medicines. Distributional failures, inadequate patient education, and healthcare facilities are key causes, but the relatively high price of drugs also plays its part.
Jasson Urbach | 01 Sep 2023 | Health Policy Unit
DDT, one of the most studied insecticides, has again come under attack. In May 2009, Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) published The Pine River Statement: Human Health Consequences of DDT Use.
Roger Bate | 19 Aug 2023 | The New Ledger
The pharmaceutical industry insists importing drugs from overseas will be a danger to American patients. There is certainly evidence to back up their claim with a growing number of deaths directly caused by dangerous drugs coming from overseas, mainly from China.