Roger Bate | 17 May 2023 | Wall Street Journal
The Food and Drug Administration of the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh recently conducted a series of raids throughout its region to uncover counterfeit drugs. The raids yielded large quantities of substandard medicines and resulted in several arrests.
Richard Tren & Donald Roberts | 26 Apr 2023 | Business Day (South Africa)
Raising global awareness for public health problems is never easy, especially during periods of financial crisis. Yesterday, the United Nations, donor agencies and their affiliates marked World Malaria Day. However, the fact that most South Africans are ignorant of this day is not something to be lamented.
Richard Tren & Dipo Salimonu | 23 Apr 2023 |
On World Malaria Day this week governments and activists will boast of millions of dollars spent on tackling the disease that still kills a child every thirty seconds somewhere in the world. But most of them are culpable of disarming our most effective weapon--insecticides such as DDT.
None | 23 Apr 2023 | Fox Business
AFM's Richard Tren appears on Fox Business with John Stossel to discuss the book "The Excellent Powder" and the use of DDT in malaria control.
Richard Tren & Donald Roberts | 21 Apr 2023 | USA Today
Since it was first observed 40 years ago, Earth Day has grown from a handful of campus rallies into a global celebration of the environment and has raised ecological awareness around the world. Unfortunately, the politics surrounding Earth Day have also done
long-term harm, damaging our ability to fight deadly diseases today.
None | 21 Apr 2023 |
In "The Excellent Powder: DDT's Political and Scientific History," Richard Tren and Donald Roberts argue that the infamous insecticide is the world's greatest public-health success stories, saving millions of lives by preventing insect-borne disease.'s Nick Gillespie sat down with Tren and Roberts, who are part of Africa Fighting Malaria, to talk about how DDT got such a bad rap and what can be done to set the record straight.
Richard Tren & Donald Roberts | 12 Apr 2023 | The Daily Caller
During his State of the Union address on Jan. 31, 2006, President Bush mentioned malaria twice. This probably took most Americans by surprise as the disease was banished from the States in the early 1950s. But as Bush and his administration established the ambitious PMI, the disease would soon feature fairly high on the political and popular agenda.
None | 09 Apr 2024 | Africa Fighting Malaria
AFM launched the book "The Excellent Powder: DDT's Political and Scientific History" in Washington, DC and South Africa. Click here to purchase the book ($25).
Richard Tren & Donald Roberts et al | 09 Apr 2024 | British Journal of Urology International
Richard Tren and Donald Roberts et al respond to the study by Bornman et al entitled "DDT and urogenital malformations in newborn boys in a malarial area" published in BJUI in October 2009.
Richard Tren & Donald Roberts | 08 Apr 2024 | Wall Street Journal
World Marlaria Day is coming up later this month. So as public health groups gather to bring attention to the mosquito-borne disease that kills almost one million people annually, and inflicts fever and pain on some 500 million more, expect many calls for its eradication.