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Fighting Malaria:
How is the spread of malaria controlled?

According to the United Nations Environment Program,

"About two-fifths of the world's population (2.1 billion) are potentially at risk from mosquito transmitted diseases. Annually 400 million people are at risk, of whom 270 million are infected, causing two million deaths.54 The problem is common in about 100 countries. Sub-Saharan Africa is the worst affected area for malaria with about 90% of all malaria and 80% of deaths. This means about 1.5-2.7 million people, mainly children, die each year from malaria. Since the reduction of use of DDT through the 1960s there has been no impact in reducing malaria in tropical Africa. In some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, one in 10 infant deaths, and one in four deaths of children under four years are attributed to malaria." (source)

This demonstrates that no alternative to fighting malaria should be denied, especially to those countries who most need affordable, effective and available alternatives to address all aspects of the disease -- preventing, treating, and fighting malaria.

The anti-malaria toolkit includes things such as medicines, draining stagnant water, screens on windows, bug repellant, DDT spraying, bednets treated with insecticides, and hopefully, an eventual vaccination against the disease. (Read more about controlling malaria.)


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